Lenders earn millions of dollars in late payment fees. They are always eager to claim loan payments were received late and charge “defaulters” hefty fees. Additionally, it is very common that my Chapter 13 bankruptcy clients get into a dispute with their mortgage company over missed payments. On a recent occasion, I had a client…Read more
How to build great credit – no matter your age!
While credit generally improves with age, everybody is different. Some people’s credit history improves steadily after years of faithful payments, while others watch their scores plummet with every medical bill sent to collections or missed rent. Then, there is another type of person: Maybe they never had to think much about their credit score because…Read more
How to Teach Your Children Good Financial Habits Today
When it comes to things like diet, sleep, and social interaction, most parents can stress the basics pretty easily: eat your vegetables, take your nap, and play nice with others. But there is, unfortunately, one thing that many parents forget to teach their children, maybe because they see it as too “big” a thing to…Read more
7 Ways to Make Sure You Pay Your Bills on Time
Mortgage payments, credit card bills, utility bills, and student loan bills – they pile up fast! Sometimes it may seem impossible to keep up. Remember, though: paying your monthly bills on time is the best way to take control of your financial life. Use the following suggestions to start making on-time bill payments a habit.…Read more