If you currently receive Social Security Disability benefits, you may be feeling reluctant to return to work for fear that it can have a negative effect on your SSDI, SSI, Medicare, or any of the other benefits that you are receiving. The approval process for Social Security Disability is notoriously long and difficult which makes…Read more
Social Security Disability When You’re 50+
Nearly one in five Americans report having some form of disability. If you find that you are unable to work due to an accident or medical condition and you are older than 50, special rules apply to you. One of the main things that are considered when you apply for Social Security Disability through the…Read more
The Link Between Social Media and Disability Benefits
Getting followed on social media could soon have a new meaning for those looking to apply for Social Security disability benefits. As of Spring 2019, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has started to screen social media accounts when evaluating eligibility to receive Social Security disability. The inspiration comes from critics of the SSA looking to…Read more
Filing for Social Security Disability benefits? Here’s what you can actually expect.
Filing for Social Security Disability can be intimidating for anyone. Fortunately, if you understand what to expect before you even start getting your paperwork together, you can go into the process ready to handle anything that comes your way. It doesn’t help that the whole process remains clouded by misconceptions. In this article, we will…Read more
My Social Security Disability Claim was Denied – Now What Do I Do?
We understand that having your claim denied by the Social Security Administration (SSA) is devastating. But don’t worry just yet. This is incredibly common, and you can appeal your decision. According to the Disability Benefits Center, more than 70% of the disability claims received in Alabama are not approved during the initial stage of the…Read more